Call-for-Papers: Pacific Coast Philology

Pacific Coast Philology Call-For-Papers

Pacific Coast Philology, the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), the west coast affiliate of the MLA, is looking for papers. We publish two volumes of the journal annually, one a general issue and one a special issue on a specific topic. Published in the fall, the Special Issue is dedicated to a special topic and edited by a guest editor. The 2014 special topic was “Migration, Immigration, and Movement in Literatures, Film, and Culture,” followed by “Familiar Spirits” (2015) and “Hybrids and Other Fusions” (2016). 2017 and 2018 saw “Archives, Libraries, Properties” and “Metafamily,” respectively, while this year’s special topic will be “Ways of Seeing: Visuality, Visibility, and Vision” and the topic for 2020 will be “Actors, Stages, Worlds.”

We are currently in search of essays from PAMLA members and non-members alike on a wide range of literary, cultural, language-based, and media-focused topics for the regular issue, to be published in the spring of 2020. Given the wide range of scholarship published in the journal, we strongly encourage proposers to submit manuscripts written for a broad scholarly audience, essays with a clear, fully developed main thesis, essays that contextualize analysis within the relevant theoretical framework, and most importantly essays that further the discourse in interesting, thought-provoking ways.

We request manuscripts of between approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words. You may submit manuscripts at any time, but we are particularly interested in submissions by September 1, 2019. Before submitting, please edit carefully with attention to style, grammar, and bibliographical citations using the latest MLA handbook rules. For the general issue of Pacific Coast Philology, please submit electronic essays to General Editors Roswitha Burwick and Richard Sperber at For general questions, please contact Roswitha Burwick:  [email protected] or  [email protected]. You may also contact Richard Sperber:  [email protected].

Call for Submissions to “Actors, Stages, Worlds”: Special Issue of Pacific Coast Philology

We seek essays that explore from any perspective acting as art and metaphor, theories of role play and theatricality, conceptions of the world stage and the public audience. Possible approaches might include: styles of acting across time and mediums; naturalist or anti-realist techniques of performance and stagecraft; the staging of everyday life; social roles (e.g., Goffman’s “presentation of self in everyday life”) and role play; or the performativity of technologies of mediation.

Special Issue Editor, Katherine Kinney

Please contact Katherine Kinney at [email protected] if you have questions.

Essay proposals should include the following, and should be emailed to Katherine Kinney at [email protected] by December 1, 2019: cover page with author’s name, affiliation, and a brief biography, plus the title of the essay. A 5,000 to 7,000 word separate document with a brief abstract, a list of four to seven keywords, and the proposed paper.

In preparing manuscripts, please follow the MLA Style Manual. Expected date of publication is fall 2020.

PAMLA Member Book Reviews

In the interest of making members’ works more well known to each other and of informing a varied audience of their work, Pacific Coast Philology opened a book review section in the 2000 issue of the journal. Only PAMLA members’ works from the last three years are accepted for review. If you are a PAMLA member and have recently published a book that you would like to have the journal review, please have your publisher send a review copy (by July 15 for publication in the spring issue) to Dr. Lina Geriguis, Chapman University, 1 University Drive, Wilkinson Hall, English Department, Orange, CA 92866. Book reviewers are enlisted from among scholars of note in the book’s area of expertise and may or may not be PAMLA members. If you wish to contact book review editor Lina Geriguis regarding volunteering to review a book or interest in getting your book reviewed, please email her at [email protected] .