PAMLA’s Executive Board and Constitution Committee has been working on proposed revisions to the PAMLA Constitution and Standard Operating Procedures. The board recently voted to approve proposed changes. PAMLA members will be voting on those proposed changes on Sunday, November 10, at 10 am, at the PAMLA conference at the Margaritaville Resort.
That’s when our annual PAMLA General Membership Meeting & Brunch takes place. So, please take a look at the proposed changes, if you have the time, or email me for a track changes version of the proposal. Here’s a link to our current Constitution and the proposed revision: https://www.pamla.org/about/constitution-bylaws/
We also have attached a document of changes tracked: PAMLA Constitution Proposed Changes 9102024
If you aren’t planning on attending the conference, but wish to attend the General Membership Meeting, do email PAMLA Executive Director: [email protected].