The Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association 2023 Conference will be held in beautiful Portland, Oregon between Oct. 26-29 at the Hilton Portland Downtown! So join us if you are keen on participating in more than 200+ magnificent sessions, or if you want to visit Portland on an intellectual vacation!
We have of terrific selection of open sessions that are still seeking proposals:
- 1923
- 15-Minute Cities: Mobility Studies in Literature and Culture
- Adaptations of Atwood (co-sponsored by the Margaret Atwood Society)
- Agnès Varda
- Allies, Partnerships, Coalitions: Lessons Learned
- Amusement Culture
- Austrian Studies
- Bible and Literature
- British Literature and Culture: 20th and 21st Centuries
- Changing Perspectives on Migration through Literature in Translation
- Collaborative Scaffolding: Shifting Perspectives and the Future of Digital Humanities
- Comparative American Ethnic Literature
- Contemporary Chinese Cinema
- Creative Writing: Historical Fiction
- Creative Writing: Voice
- Crime and Mystery
- Critical Theory
- Cultural Brokers and Consecrators: Moving Beyond National Borders
- Culture Wars 2.0: Teaching Diverse Literature in Troubled Times
- Curating Prison Witness: A Hands-on Workshop with The American Prison Writing Archive
- Deconstructing Malintzin’s Legacy through the Construction of Xicana Praxis
- Dessiner l’invu à l’encre bleue
- Digital Arguments
- Digital Studies
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Online Education
- Don DeLillo and Shifting Perspectives (co-sponsored by the Don DeLillo Society)
- Ecomedia: Theory, Practice, Activism
- Emersonian Perspectives (co-sponsored by the Ralph Waldo Emerson Society)
- Exploring Human Dominance, Gender, and Heteronormativity through Cyborgs and AI in Films
- Film Noir
- Folklore and Mythology
- French and Francophone Film and Media in the Classroom
- French Bandes dessinées / Comics and Their Adaptations
- Freud’s The Ego and the Id at One Hundred
- From “My Students and Your Students” to “Our Students”
- Futurisms Now: From European Perspectives to Black, Indigenous, and Multi-Ethnic Futurisms
- Germanic Studies
- Global Competencies: New Methodologies in 21st Century Global and Intercultural Education
- Hate Inc.: Examining “Legitimized” Hate Groups and their Multimedia Strategies
- Heavy Metal’s Mythic Mutations
- Here’s a Book
- Hip Hop Poetics
- Indic Antiquity in Romantic Literature
- Indigenous Literatures and Cultures
- Kvetching and Complaining: Pessimism, Criticism, and 21st Century Jeremiads
- Latin American Cinema
- Los Angeles’ Culinary Scene is Like No Other
- Marie Nimier: extraits de Petite sœur lus par l’auteure
- Merwin and Friends
- Metahistoriography
- New Perspectives on Gertrude Stein (co-sponsored by the Gertrude Stein Society)
- New Trends in Quebecois Literature
- Oceanic Literatures and Cultures
- Old English Literature, Including Beowulf
- Prison Education: Voices from Inside and Out
- Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Language Instruction
- Representing Contemporary Jewish Women in the 21st Century
- Rethinking Critical Thinking and the Humanities
- Rethinking Language Programs: Innovative Recruiting and Retention Initiatives
- Rhetorical Approaches to Literature
- Romanticism
- Setting the Translation Stage: The Effects of Audiovisual Content on Tourism
- Sociolinguistics & Shifting Perspectives
- Teaching Critical Race Theory
- Teaching Medical Humanities
- Teaching with Media and Technology
- Teaching World Literature as a Shared and Collaborative Enterprise
- Terrence Malick’s Filmography at Fifty
- The Apothecary: Transformed Realities and Nomadic Imaginaries
- The Poetics and Politics of Ecological Constellations of Trauma and Memory
- Theories and Practices of Liberation: Chicanafuturisms for Advancing Social Justice and Equity
- Transcultural Writing in German
- Transnational and Transcultural US Literature and Culture
- Un camino difícil/ A Difficult Journey: Cultural Products about “(il)legal” (Im)migration
- Ursula K. Le Guin: Portland’s Science Fiction Poet
- Utopia’s New Geography: Dawn Reborn and Rising
- Virtual Innovations in the Wake of the Pandemic
- Westworld at Fifty
You can find our Call-for-Proposals page here.
While we are in Extended Deadline season, open sessions will close when filled or by June 30, so don’t delay!
We hope you’ll join us in Portland this year!