Green Humanities: A Journal of Ecological Thought and Literature, Philosophy & the Arts
Volume 4: Call for Papers
Eco-Justice: Impacts, Resistance and Remedies
As Drew Costley has written recently: “Across America, people of color are exposed to more air pollution than whites from industry, vehicles, construction and many other sources, a new study has found” (AP, 04/30/21) and as Paul Mohal has seen, “It doesn’t matter how poor, it doesn’t matter how wealthy, the racial disparities exist for all African-Americans and other people of color.” Indeed, as President Biden’s infrastructure bill highlights, much work is needed to replace lead pipes that poison the water in low- income areas, to curb polluting plants from spewing carcinogens into neighborhoods, and to protect indigenous lands from rapacious mining practices. We seek articles that help examine the impacts of global warming, thoughtless resource-extraction, corporate farming, among other scourges and how they fall disproportionately upon the poor and people of color but also to explore examples of resistance and remedies to these assaults on individuals and groups especially in light of the Supreme Court’s recent ruling curbing the EPA’s power to regulate industries. From Flint Michigan to battles against the Keystone Pipeline, individuals and groups have mobilized to defend those who are most effected. Articles about films, novels, essays with a focus on the theme of eco-justice are particularly welcome as are more theoretical approaches.
Please submit abstracts, key words and 4,000-7,000-word articles by March 15, 2023. digitalcommons.odu.edu/gh
Submission Guidelines: All submissions to Green Humanities are to be formatted in MLA style, in 12-pt Times New Roman font (or similar). Please remove your name and other identifying information from your submission draft, as peer review of all scholarly articles will be double-blind.
If you have difficulty submitting your manuscript via the web link above, please email the editors at [email protected].
In addition, Green Humanities is looking for a new Co-Editor. If you’re interested, please email Peter Schulman at [email protected].