British Women Writers Conference 2022
May 19-21, 2022 | Baylor University
PAMLA’s friend, the British Women Writers Association, invites papers and panel proposals for the 2022 British Women Writers Conference (BWWC), interpreting the theme of “Borders” in 18th- and 19th-century British women’s writing. In response to the 2021 BWWC “Reorientations,” panels and papers on topics related to race and ethnicity are especially welcome.
The long 18th and 19th centuries were exciting and disorienting periods in British history as the borders of race, gender, sexuality, nationality, geography, economics, and aesthetics were drawn and redrawn on the cultural map. This flux manifested itself in physical and ideological “border crossings” between the rural and urban, the religious and the secular, the domestic and the professional, the private and the public, the metropole and the periphery, and so on. The theme of “Borders” invites contributors to articulate and speculate on crossing, redrawing, transgressing, retreating from, and reinforcing such dividing lines. Borders may be broadly interpreted to include scholarship concerning borders within and between scholarly disciplines, borders within form and genre, political and geographical borders, socio-economic boundaries and borders, and borders between individuals or identities, particularly those of diverse racial or ethnic identities.
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